Insurance for Nonprofits

Insurance for Nonprofits

Given the shoestring budget on which many nonprofits operate, a single large and unexpected expense could lead to financial ruin. So, getting the right insurance to guard against the biggest (or worst) risks is a wise move for nonprofits. Here’s a rundown of the...
Commercial Umbrella Insurance Explained

Commercial Umbrella Insurance Explained

Just like an umbrella provides us an extra layer of protection against the elements, a commercial umbrella insurance policy provides your business an extra layer of liability protection. If you own a business, chances are you have some form of general liability...
Winterize Your Home Water System

Winterize Your Home Water System

If you are a homeowner, or perhaps rent a home in which you are responsible for a certain level of maintenance, it is critical to winterize your home’s water system before the temperature drops to help ensure a winter season free from frozen pipes and potential water...